As a non-profit scientific research organization focusing on tropical forest, CIFOR wanted to provide an interactive and engaging learning media for policy makers in landscapes, also to educate people in general about the dynamic of landscapes.
Invest in forested landscapes, invest in your future to grow your wealth – but can you do it sustainably?
Landscape Game is an online board game that let players to invest on various options on given landscape, and let them see the impact to the overall landscape. The objective is to become the most wealthy and sustainable investors. Player can also play as the government to learn about the importance of policy makers on maintaining sustainability of a landscape.
Various player modes: Single Player, Offline Multiplayer, and Online Multiplayer
Various real world-like landscape components
Landscape Game 2 is the sequel to the Landscape Game, crafted through the partnership of CIFOR-ICRAF and IPB University with more interesting game features. In this game, players become land managers and learn about the delicate balance between landscape sustainability and human activities.
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